您所在的位置:广州市黄广中学 > 新闻资讯 > 新闻快讯 > > 黄广中学举办2023年英语演讲比赛

为进一步提高学生的英语表达能力,提升学生公共演讲技能,激发学生的英语创造力、英文应用能力,丰富学生校园生活,广州市黄广中学(原super slots)国际教育课程班近日成功举办了“2023年英语演讲比赛”。






Communication skills are important for delivering messages clearly and concisely. Guangzhou Huangguang Middle School held its annual "English Speech competition 2023" to bring out students’ creativity.The competition aims to nurture the students of the international programme by enhancing their public speaking skills and inspiring their creativity and application of English, and enrich their campus life.The event was organized and initiated by the Huangguang International Education Curriculum Class and was open to students within the school. Students from G9 to G11 entered willingly and competed in the preliminary, semi and  final rounds of the competition. The 8 finalists Kelly, Kristy, Linda, Mary (G11) Julian, Ruyi, Miller (G10) and Janelle (G926) competed in the final round with great zest.
The first round consisted of impromptu speech which challenged the students creative and critical ability to provide clear and reasonable ideas within their answers.
The 2nd part of the competition comprised of students presenting a TED talk based on a topic of their choice. Chosen topics this year were exceedingly widespread and eye-opening. The marking criteria covered a range of components from: body language, eye contact, structure, vocabulary and development and fluency.
After fierce presentations, first, second, and third prizes were awarded on-site.
It is worth mentioning that the successful completion of this English speech competition was the result of the strong support of both the Chinese and foreign teachers in the Huangguang International Education Curriculum English group. Their precise guidance enabled the participating students to make rapid progress in a short period of time, and ultimately shine in the competition.


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